Waste treatment system that mimics the cleansing functions of natural wetlands in a smaller footprint. Combines solid separation (e.g. septic tank or digester) with beautifully vegetated wetland filters.
Treatment Level: Primary
Relative Cost: high
Amount of Maintenance Interaction: medium
Beneficial Byproduct: some (water)
potential to treat further for potable water or combine with biogas digester
- Can be very beautiful & integrated into lobbies, courtyards, greenhouses, etc.
- Very high level of treatment.
- Can harvest water for reuse (with extra treatment, can use as potable source).
- Odor free.
- Need specialized training for system design and maintenance.
- May need to be located in a greenhouse in colder climates.
- Not much history for single family, residential scale installation.
- Needs pumps with consistent power source.
Operation & Maintenance
- Preventative maintenance inspections for pump function, solid collection levels (refer to septic tankmaintenance), plant health, etc.
- Very minimal maintenance once the system is functioning properly.
Blackwater vs Graywater?
- Can treat both in combination or either one separately. If just graywater, then can skip the settling tank element.
Secondary Treatment Options
- Liquid (effluent): none needed unless potable water is desired.
- Solids (sludge): Drying bed, windrow, off-site disposal.
Additional Notes:
- Can be incorporated into the landscape features and made to be aesthetically pleasing.
- Can be used in combination with biogas production, compost filters and/or aquaculture.
- Great application for hotel, office, small community/village or courtyard serving several families.