
Denise “Anasuya” French (center), Founder of the Institute of TERRABELHA Agroforestry & Permaculture Yogic, has been teaching permaculture courses since 2011 in Brazil and in the US. Denise is known for her environmental law practice in Brazil. Also as Sivananda Yoga instructor, she is leading on the ecological framework a relationship yogic with the ITAPY. Training in permaculture with the ITAPY gives young people and adults the knowledge and skills, to establish successful food growing areas, working with nature rather than against it.

Heather Duncan (left) is an Accredited Certified Permaculture Design Consultant who is passionate about spreading her knowledge and creating a perspective of abundance wherever she goes. She has studied in Australia with Geoff Lawton and also specialized in bio construction in her time spent in Taos, New Mexico and Aguada, Puerto Rico with Michael Reynolds and his crew. She is dedicated to a lifetime of Permaculture research and has a knack for problem solving. She is always spreading love wherever she goes and believes that with love anything is possible. “Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love. This is the eternal rule”

Amir Alexander Hasson (right) is a serial social entrepreneur who has started four companies and built businesses impacting the lives of millions of people internationally. He completed the Earthship Academy program with Michael Reynolds to learn how to build homes that fulfill all basic human needs without any dependency on municipal infrastructure. Amir is thrilled to work with Terrabelha to create a living model of self-sustainable housing, permaculture, and conscious living practices. He enjoys spending time with his son, practicing and teaching yoga, kitesurfing, and serving others.